Today I test tritunus MP3Encocer,
http://www.tritonus.org/plugins.html (tritonus-mp3enc-2001-04-25.zip)
becouse i'd like to make converting wav to mp3 program.
it's successed.
if you carefull to dont't forget to contain lame_enc.dll and lametritonus.dll in classpath,
it is an easy work.
of cource i think calling lame.exe from commandline is simple way. You dont't think? :)
but maybe i think implementing some lame-args is hard work.
it's easy to use Tritunus MP3Encoder.
either using lame.exe or lame_enc.dll.
the users must install Lame munually.
We should create a manual which contain how to download Lame.